City Government

Car Park Management in one of Belgium's largest cities


Linking information from disparate systems

One of the largest cities in Belgium manages a fleet of around 3,500 vehicles. The total cost of ownership of this fleet could not be mapped out because the information was, as it were, hidden in different information systems. Linking and centralising this information would enable our client to better align employee scheduling with workload, optimize routes and minimize the risk of lack of space in the car parks.


A central data model to swiftly produce results

During this project, the client took on a lot of preparatory work. Afterwards Datashift was brought on board for our specific expertise in back-end development. We have taken on responsibility in executing multiple technical analyses, source analyses and in data warehouse development. Thanks to a detailed and thoroughly conducted needs assessment by our client, we were able to start designing and developing our solution right away.

We chose to give priority to the development of a central data model in which we could easily and agilely add other systems later on. This approach has allowed us to quickly produce results, receive feedback and process this feedback into a next release. An intensive collaboration with all stakeholders of the client was required, both during the development of the data flows and the implementation of the solution.


More accessible insights into the governance of the vehicle fleet

The development and implementation of these data flows gave our client a better and especially a more accessible insight into the governance of their vehicle fleet. They were now able to easily check vehicle availability, monitor work orders and link this information with other systems/projects. Not only did this improve the efficiency of the management of the clients’ vehicle fleet, it also impacted the cooperation between several departments, such as the IT, business and development department. The entire governance of their vehicle fleet shifted towards a higher level.

Shift from data to impact today

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