Datashift Unveils New Offering: Datashift Strategy

20 June 2024
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MECHELEN, Belgium — Datashift, a fast-growing data consultancy, specialized in Artificial Intelligence, Modern Data Platforms and Data Governance, is announcing the launch of a new offering to its clients: Datashift Strategy.

Datashift Strategy will strictly focus on AI and data-driven value creation strategies. These strategies will further leverage the technical and hands-on expertise of our implementation teams to deliver strategic insights and solutions.

Why are we launching Datashift Strategy (now)?

Since its inception in 2015, Datashift has been committed to creating long-term value using data. The relentless focus on supporting clients in achieving their ambitions and deploying data to create a profound impact on business has been the driving force. And it is also the reason why we are launching the Datashift Strategy offering today.

The unprecedented rise of Generative AI highlights once again the enormous transformative potential of data & AI, on top of what was already possible “before” GenAI. Given the endless possibilities, it is even more crucial to know what to focus on. And which “hypes” to ignore.

Target the right topics.

Targeting the right topics will make the difference as to whether the steps you take in Data & AI today will deliver results tomorrow. Leadership and clear choices are needed to make any initiative a success, including data initiatives.

"It is unfortunate to see organizations not reaping the full benefits of data & AI, despite substantial investments” says Strategy Director, Stefaan Decramer, “We firmly believe that shifting focus towards the ‘last mile’ can prevent the frustration and lack of impact that often accompanies the initial 90% of implementation investments.”

Datashift Strategy offers three key services: Topic prioritization, Strategic Execution, and Data Organization. These services are designed to help organizations target the right topics and build strategic roadmaps, strategically execute the use cases to maximize value and Return on Investment, and build or restructure their data & AI organization to deliver the value in a continuous and sustainable way.

Let's talk strategy

Want to know more on how we want to leverage data and AI for your business success? Visit our website at or reach out directly to Stefaan.